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  1. With the dissppointment of both teams most recent games being cancelled, ONC held an extra outdoor Saturday training session this morning.  A great day to drag players from their beds as the sun was shining and sky blue.  A mixture of fun and keeping fit was had to the point where players called for more Saturday sessions. Think that can be arranged . . .  we just can't get enough!

  2. Both 1st and 2nd team finished before the mid season break with two spirited matches.  Unusually neither team won on this occassion, however, players still had a spring in their step and went away loving their unquestionable success this season so far.  Following the Secret Santa evening, ONC members look forward to further Christmas festivities at a dinner/dance tonight at a local golf club.  A three course meal to be consumed in conjunction with just a few alchololic beverages.  There is also no doubt that dancing will be up to the usual standard and the evening will include a fair amount of singing, which will not be unsimilar to a cats choir!  Whatever the evening brings, it is sure to be enjoyed by all.  Wishing each and every member a wonderful Christmas and look foward to our next meet early in 2015!